SWZ | Maritime

SWZ|Maritime, formerly known as Schip en Werf de Zee, has been the leading Dutch brand for technical professionals in the maritime industry for over 75 years.

  • SWZ|Maritime magazine
    Eleven times a year, the magazine brings its readers the latest developments and news from all areas of maritime industry. SWZ|Maritime features different specials throughout the year, focused on topics such as naval vessels, inland shipping, fuels, propulsion technology, yachts and much more.
  • Digital SWZ Archive
    The SWZ – Akerboom Archive contains all issues and articles of “SWZ|Maritime”, ”Schip en Werf de Zee”, “Schip en Werf” and “Het Schip” published since 1919. With ship descriptions, technical developments and news, the archive spans nearly a century of maritime progress.
  • SWZ Newsletter
    From now on you can easily stay informed of the latest news through our digital newsletter, which we send out every Thursday. To subscribe, please fill in your email address in the box at the top right of our website.
SWZ | Maritime
SWZ|Maritime is published 11x per year
Circulation: 13,500 per edition
Subscribe Magazine
SWZmaritime.nl; Platform for specialists in Marine Engineering
58.000 pageviews p/month
SWZ|Maritime newsletter with the latest headlines
Readers: 2.250
Published: 1x per week
Heeft u vragen of wilt u persoonlijk advies? Bel met:
Bert Veninga - Accountmanager
T.+31 (0)6 51 58 68 88
E. bert@veninga.net

Mediabrochure SWZ | Maritime 2025 


Verschijningsdata 2025

EditieVerschijningenThema's in SWZ | Maritime
128-01-2025Tydeman conference
225-02-2025Education and careers
429-04-2025Inland navigation / Maritime Industry
527-05-2025Workboats and dredgers / Seawork
624-06-2025Dutch shipbuilding
7/815-07-2025Nautical dévelopments
929-09-2025Naval shipbuilding and underwater noise
1021-10-2025Maritime Awards Gala nominees / Europort
1118-11-2025Yachts and offshore / METSTRADE and Offshore Energy
1216-12-2025To be decided